The University of Aveiro (UAVR) is the widening institution, collecting most of the capacitation benefits towards boosting of their knowledge, expertise and skills in the field of environmental epigenetics. The Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) is the main promoting Research Centre, but other UAVR units are involved, namely the Departments of Biology, Medical Sciences, and Education and Psychology, as well as the Institute of Biomedicine (iBiMED) with its genomics facility (iBiGen), the Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers (CIDTFF), the Centre for Communication and Information Technology Competences (CCTIC) and Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre (DigiMedia). Background skills of the Coordinator team actively contributing to the successful EPIBOOST implementation lie in the fields of animal and plant physiology, ecotoxicology, environmental risk assessment, microalgae, invertebrate and fish ecology, toxicogenomics and technology-assisted science education.
The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) participates in EPIBOOST with two different research centres, both recognized with the prestigious ‘Severo Ochoa’ Center of Excellence Award: the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM). IDAEA is a multidisciplinary research institute bringing together a wide range of expertise in environmental science and is the CSIC’s reference center on environmental (Water & Air) research. ICM is the fourth largest research institute of CSIC and the largest dedicated to marine research, conducting frontier research and fostering knowledge and technology transfer on topics related to ocean and climate interactions, conservation and sustainable use of marine life and ecosystems, and impact mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. EPIBOOST will be provided with complementary expertise in epigenetics, environmental toxicogenomics, and fish reproduction and endocrinology.
The University of Ghent (UGent) is one of the advanced partners within EPIBOOST, capitalizing on its high-level and extensive research experience for further capacity building and capacitation of the widening institution and the research field in general. The Blue Growth Research Lab under the head of Prof. Jana Asselman is the leading Research Unit, renowned for its world class expertise in environmental epigenetics. The Blue Growth Research Lab is supported by the UGent core sequencing facility nxtgnt. Nxtgnt is UGent’s core facility for next generation sequencing (NGS), with (epi-)genome and transcriptome analysis integrated in a unique and state-of-the-art service platform. The team’s expertise and background will contribute to EPIBOOST’s successful impact on environmental and human health risk assessment.