And the final exchange of the series where UAVR visited our Advanced partner CSIC (see posts for exchange I and II if you are curious) has come to an end! It happened in the week the 22nd to the 26th of July 2024, dedicated to training in ex-vivo exposure of fish gonads for molecular studies.
Patrícia Pereira and the early-career researcher Fátima Brandão (PhD student) were at ICM-CSIC for an intensive hands-on training, a lot of learning and networking. The UAVR researchers were welcomed at ICM-CSIC by Mercedes Blázquez and Paula Medina, that were supported by Nerea Sanchís (PhD student at ICM-CSIC). The training comprised theoretical aspects, highlighting the 3R´s principle in animal experimentation and animal welfare as allowed by ex-vivo tissue culturing and testing, as well as lab sessions. These gave a hands-on experience to the UAVR researchers, namely on how to prepare and setup an explant experiment and possible troubleshooting.
This exchange afforded the visiting UAVR EPIBOOSTers the opportunity to improve knowledge and skills on ex-vivo experimentation. It was an amazing opportunity and an excellent training programme, perfectly adjusted to the UAVR needs and surpassing expectations. It was also a great arena for networking and discussing the possible implementation of a similar ex-vivo training at UAVR. Keep tuned to the EPIBOOST news here, in X (@EPIBOOST22) and Instagram (@epiboost) if you are interested in this training at UAVR!
A huge thank you is due to the CSIC team once again for the warm integration in the group, for all the knowledge and know-how shared and, of course, for the high spirits!
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