Dr. Cecília Guerra, coordinating the team producing educational contents in EPIBOOST project (UAVR-CIDTFF researcher), participated in the EvoKE – Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone network 2023 meeting, which took place at the University of Bath, UK, from 3-5 July 2023. EvoKE 2023 brought together researchers, educators, science communicators, journalists, policymakers, artists, and any person interested in fostering networking around evolution literacy and strengthening its impacts on society. Cecília Guerra presented a poster entitled “Can we assume that epigenetics has been a driver of evolution?” about the EPIBOOST project (BOOSting excellence in environmental EPIgenetics). This poster presents the strategy designed to contribute to public understanding of this ‘new’ area of research, Epigenetics, through the production of outreach videos. Together with engaging plenary speakers, Cecília Guerra participated in inspiring and interactive workshops on various aspects of evolution education and science outreach.
According to Cecília Guerra, this was a very productive training period, with plenty of social/networking opportunities to exchange experiences and learn best practices for how to communicate science! The interest of the audience in the project was remarkable, demonstrating that epigenetics is raising as a mechanism that may contribute evolutionary change.
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