• February 27, 2024

Wrapping-up on EPIBOOST outreach events

Wrapping-up on EPIBOOST outreach events

Wrapping-up on EPIBOOST outreach events 150 150 Epiboost-admin

@Ghent and @Barcelona

Education and literacy regarding sustainability of natural resources and the assessment of effects of contaminants in environmental health towards better ecosystems protection is a focus on EPIBOOST.

Within the scope of the programme “Escolab”, a dissemination initiative by several institutions in Barcelona, our partners IDAEA-CSIC received 22 high school students and one teacher. They participated in a workshop where they learn on the value and the practice of toxicological studies with Daphnia and the zebrafish.

At UGent, and celebrating the alumni/family day, our partners at UGent received many visitors of the UGent Science Fair for faculty & family, who enthusiastically have seen lab settings and facilities.

Looking forwards for more opportunities to contribute to bringing science to society!

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